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Zarges Cases K470

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ZARGES cases provide a convenient and safe method of transport. At the same time it provides a modular system of storage units and protective packaging. K470 cases conform to US 463 I pallet.

  • Stackable universal case.
  • Lid with stainless steel hinge, two straps and peripheral foam seal to lid.
  • Robust edge, lid and floor profile.
  • Peripheral beading and corner beading for enhanced shape retention.
  • Alloy cast stacking corners.
  • Snaplocks. Can be secured by using lock and key, lead seals or padlock.
  • Ergonomic drop-type handles with high carrying capacity.
  • Stackable and palletisable, to suit pallet sizes to DIN15U1.
  • Spring loaded handle at each end (in the case of 40 835 and 40 677 on lid).
  • Can also be supplied in other sizes and designs - please consult us.

Important notice: Clear dimensions approx. 30 mm/1.18" less than internal dimensions (length and width). Special sizes on request. Cases registered with NATO supply No.



Contact us for your Zarges Transport and Storage Cases Needs Today


Zarges cases can be purchased in bulk or as single units from R.P. Luce & Company. Our website features a convenient RFQ shopping cart that allows you to request a quote on any of our products before finalizing the sale. To use it, simply explore our product categories above and add products to the RFQ cart. 

Contact us for more information regarding transport and storage cases K470 and accessories or give us a call at 800-445-0002. You can also request a quote for an in-depth price analysis.

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